Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

An zwei Gebrüder, eifrige junge Naturfreunde

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An zwei Gebrüder, eifrige junge Naturfreunde

To two brothers, eager young nature lovers On the damp rock, hidden by thick moss, flowers bloom, many insects flutter; Even if it seems barren up the bare mountain, so it feeds, the sheep feeds on it, the meadow turns green, the horned herd turns brown, there walk people, good and bad tempered, enjoy abundantly, sparsely, early and late, the miraculous growth of the consequent seed. And when the patient succumbs almost at the finish, so the source rises quickly, hope wins. You! from the rock up to the atmosphere Remember me! - Praise and honor to the Most High! _______________________________ On the damp rock concealed by thick moss, Flowers blossom, insects are fluttering; Though it seems barren up the bald mountain, yet it nourishes, the sheep woolens on it, The meadow greens, the horned herd browns, There walk men, good and wicked, They enjoy abundantly, sparingly, early and late the miraculous growth of the seed of succession. And when the sick almost succumbs at the goal, spring quickly rises, hope triumphs. You! from the rock up to the atmosphere remember me! - Praise and Glory to the Highest! Am feuchten Fels, den diches Moos versteckt, erblühen Blumen, flattert manch Insekt; Scheint es auch dürr den kahlen Berg hinan, so nährt es doch, das Schaf bewollt sich dran, die Wiese grünt, gehörnte Heerde braunt, da wandeln Menschen, gut und bös gelaunt, genießen reichlich, spärlich, früh und spat, den Wunderwuchs der folgereichen Saat. Und wenn der Kranke fast am Ziel erliegt, so steigt die Quelle rasch, die Hoffnung siegt. Ihr! vom Gestein hinauf zur Atmosphäre gedenket mein! - Dem Höchsten Preis und Ehre! _______________________________ On the damp rock concealed by thick moss, Flowers blossom, insects are fluttering; Though it seems barren up the bald mountain, yet it nourishes, the sheep woolens on it, The meadow greens, the horned herd browns, There walk men, good and wicked, They enjoy abundantly, sparsely, early and late the miraculous growth of the seed of succession. And when the sick almost succumbs at the goal, the spring quickly rises, hope triumphs. You! from the rock up to the atmosphere remember me! - Praise and Glory to the Highest! Written in Marienbad, 21. July 1822, dedicated to two brothers, who loved to explore Nature. "spat" is a typical poetic form for "spät" (late), often used for rhyme purposes, also in modern German and speech