Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Playing At Priests

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Playing At Priests

WITHIN a town where parity According to old form we see,— That is to say, where Catholic And Protestant no quarrels pick, And where, as in his father's day, Each worships God in his own way, We Luth'ran children used to dwell, By songs and sermons taught as well. The Catholic clingclang in truth Sounded more pleasing to our youth, For all that we encounter'd there, To us seem'd varied, joyous, fair. As children, monkeys, and mankind To ape each other are inclin'd, We soon, the time to while away, A game at priests resolved to play. Their aprons all our sisters lent For copes, which gave us great content; And handkerchiefs, embroider'd o'er, Instead of stoles we also wore; Gold paper, whereon beasts were traced, The bishop's brow as mitre graced. Through house and garden thus in state We strutted early, strutted late, Repeating with all proper unction, Incessantly each holy function. The best was wanting to the game; We knew that a sonorous ring Was here a most important thing; But Fortune to our rescue came, For on the ground a halter lay; We were delighted, and at once Made it a bellrope for the nonce, And kept it moving all the day; In turns each sister and each brother Acted as sexton to another; All help'd to swell the joyous throng; The whole proceeded swimmingly, And since no actual bell had we, We all in chorus sang, Ding dong! * Our guileless child's-sport long was hush'd In memory's tomb, like some old lay; And yet across my mind it rush'd With pristine force the other day. The New-Poetic Catholics In ev'ry point its aptness fix!